Hi Team Members,
Our Annual Rosary Party Month has begun. This month we honor our Lady of the Rosary! At Prayers On A Wire Team we do this with our rosary party for the month. Here is a list of activities that you can participate which are all virtual so it works out for everyone.
October 7-15
Rose Rosary Novena which will be posted on the blog before hand this way you can read it each day and pray along
We will have a live recitation of the Rosary on October 13 at 7pm est I will post the link to the chat room on the blog, the team page, and through e-mail. Please RSVP if you are wanting to participate!
We will have several blog post this month that focus on the Rosary and the mysteries of the rosary that our blog journalist will work on.. If I can have them contact me please about this!
I will post some tutorials on the blog as well for the rosary creation styles which will be all Catholic based..
Our Holy Mother has given us a precious gift in the rosary which is very powerful and we should use it at every chance that we get. In honor of the feast day of our Lady of Rosary on the 15th please if you would offer a coupon code RosaryParty the amount is left up to you. If you do a coupon please let me know so I have a list that I can share with others so they know the discount. I usually do not ask you to do a coupon but a few times a year and this is optional and not required.
I will also post petitions on the blog and if you have a petition that you would like mention in our novena please post it either on the blog as a comment or on the team page under the discussion board forum label Rosary Novena Petitions. I will also have a daily petitions poll on the blog if you would like to submitt it that way as well
I will light viritual votive candles on the blog for the petitions if you would like a candle in your honor or in honor of your petition please send me an e-mail or a convo.
"O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
In Mary's Loving Care
Team Captain
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