This is the Scapular Rosary
Construction and facts about your 5 decade Rosary: This Rosary is 31 inches in length. And feels wonderful in the hand.
This Rosary is made with-
The Pater Nosters are 12 MM Barrel Stones made of Azurite Chrysocolla and the Aves are Faceted Yellow Crackle Crab Agate. The beautiful crucifix and matching scapular center add the final touches to this wire wrapped rosary. The rosary center and crucifix are antique museum pieces that have been recast so we can continue to enjoy these pieces of art from past centuries.
All components are solid Bronze.
This is considered an “unbreakable rosary.” -as each bead is individually wire wrapped and should never come apart. However- dropping it on a hard surface may crack the beads. You should always take great care of this sacramental. Click here for additional photos and info.
I adore these colored stones. As usual, you make the most beautiful rosaries. Thanks for sharing.