Thursday, December 9, 2010

2nd Week of Advent

We have two candles that we have lighted on our Advent wreath.. Advent is a season of preparation also a season of peace. In times past we use to hear alot about peace on earth but we should seek peace all through the year. The Lord is the only one that can give us real peace. So as we continue to wait for that tiny Savior to be born again in our hearts lets offer peace to everyone. So Peace be with you all!! As in the second for this past sunday's mass it talks about a time when the Lord will bring perfect peace to earth I can not wait for this time.

Also remember as part of our preparation in this season of penance we need to make sure that we make it to an Advent Penance service so that our hearts are all clean and ready for the Savior.

I hope that everyone made it to mass yesterday for the feast day. Mary is so special to the church she is a gift from God to us.

Advent recipes to come next week...

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